Contact Us
Hands Together Ludlow can be found at our building at
15 Lower Galdeford, Ludlow, SY8 1RU.
Here you will find our staff and lots of our projects including the Community Fridge and the Men's Shed.
The adress below is for our registered office.
Hands Together Office
15 Lower Galdeford, Ludlow, SY8 1RUDrop us a line
Please use our contact form below if you have an enquiry
Our phone line is manned during office hours. This is the best place to start with any general help and support, to book a place at our community lunch or arrange a prescription collection and much more.
The office is open Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm:
Tel: 01584 873 062
Chief Operating Officer: Fundraising, Marketing & Operations: Susie O’Hagan: T: 07789 010 564E:
Volunteer Enquiries and Referrals to Services: Teresa Bailey: T: 07584 858 056E:
Food Projects and Activity: Julia Doig: T: 07464 068 478E:
Community and Projects Coordinator: Andy Fensome: T: 01584 873 062E:
Finance Officer: Sarah Kellett: T: 01584 873 062E:
Ludlow Men’s Shed: David Burton: E:
Safeguarding Concerns: Susie O’Hagan: T: 07789 010 564E:
General Office Administrator: Abi Elder: T: 01584 873 062E: