
Community Fundraising and local donations are vital to our activity and sustainability. Find out how you can get involved.

Individual donations

You can donate to Hands Together Ludlow via our Just Giving page: Hands Together Ludlow - JustGiving

You can also use this link to fundraise for Hands Together Ludlow if you are doing an activity or running an event.

Community donations

If you have run a community activity and raised funds you would like to donate to Hands Together Ludlow firstly, thank you so much, it really means a lot to us and our beneficiaries.

You can pass the funds on via cheques dropped in or posted to the office, 15 Lower Galdeford FAO Sarah Kellett or via BACS, email Sarah for the bank details and to let us know so we can look out for it on our statement.

Join Friends Of Hands Together Ludlow

It takes the whole town working together to build and maintain an equitable, safe, empowering and future-focused environment for all, visitors and residents alike. As a Friend of Hands Together Ludlow, you will be investing in the people, the place a vision that will grow and develop alongside the needs of the town.

By signing up as a Friend you can have a voice by also signing up to be a member for voting rights at our AGM. 

Click to join Friends of Hands Together Ludlow

Get involved

If you would like to get involved with helping us organise any of our fundraising events or activity, please drop and email to

  • "We raised funds at our event and wanted to donate them to somewhere that made a real difference locally."
  • "What a great project, which will help reduce food waste and support people to access nutritious food. Thanks for all your work."
  • "This appears to be an extremely valuable initiative, particularly in these times that are going to put a lot of families under stress. Good luck."

Leaving a Legacy

For some, leaving a legacy is the preferred way of supporting us. Those who do so will have a plaque bearing their name, made by the Men’s Shed which will be displayed at The Hub.

If you do decide to remember Hands Together Ludlow in your Will, you will need the following information:

·         Registered name: Hands Together Ludlow

·         Registered Address: 15 Lower Galdeford, Ludlow, SY8 1RU

·         Registered Charity number: 1171979

Gift options A gift can be of any size, small or large and all donations will be used to fund the on-going work of the charity. Legacy gifts generally fall into one of the following categories:

·         Residuary gift: a gift of any portion of your estate that remains after payment of debts, administration expenses and distribution of any specific gifts.

·         Pecuniary gift: a gift of a specific amount of money you desire to donate. Such gifts can be expressed to be ‘index linked’ so the sum gift holds its value in line with inflation.

·         Specific gift: a gift of a specific item you wish to leave, e.g. jewellery, artwork or furniture.

A share of your estate (a residuary gift) keeps pace with inflation and enables you to ensure that your family and friends are cared for. After you have thought about those closest to you, would you consider leaving just 1% of your estate to Hands Together Ludlow?

A legacy left to Hands Together Ludlow will attract charity exemption for inheritance tax. Additionally, you may wish to speak to your solicitor/lawyer about reducing the rate of inheritance tax from 40% to 36% on your estate if you leave 10% or more of the net value of your estate to Hands Together Ludlow.

When setting up a legacy we strongly recommend contacting a lawyer/solicitor for drawing up or amending your Will. If you decide to leave a gift to Hands Together Ludlow, your solicitor may use some specific wording to ensure your wishes are carried out. The suggested wording below covers the main types of charitable gifts:

‘I give to Hands Together Ludlow, 15 Lower Galdeford, Ludlow, SY8 1RU, Registered Charity Number 1171979, ……………….. % of my estate / the sum of £……………….. / specific item(s) ……………………………….. to be used for its general charitable purposes and I declare that the receipt of the Treasurer or duly authorised Officer shall be a full and sufficient discharge for my Executors.